Nutrient runoff in Illinois waterways contributes to eutrophication, which eventually makes its way to the Gulf of Mexico, creating dead zones. These zones have low oxygen and cannot support the aquatic ecosystem.
The Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) is a collaborative effort across the state to limit the amount of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, entering the waterways. The strategy aims for a 45% reduction in total phosphorus and nitrate-nitrogen loads originating in Illinois. The 2023 biennial report details the statewide efforts to reduce nutrient loss from agricultural, point source and urban stormwater sectors.
Below are examples of successful Illinois NLRS implementation efforts. When it's time to reduce nutrient loss and improve water quality, streamline the process and optimize the results by partnering with Fehr Graham's experienced professionals.
Successful implementations of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy
The agriculture, point source and urban stormwater sectors are crucial in reducing nutrient loss. The following table highlights successful implementations of the Illinois NLRS.
Illinois nutrient loss reduction strategy: Successful implementation efforts |
Nonpoint sources The agricultural sector is the primary nonpoint source of nutrient loss via surface runoff and subsurface drainage. Agriculture conservation projects kept nitrogen and phosphorus -- 73,000 pounds and 30,000 pounds, respectively – out of waterways. Successful implementation efforts include:
Point sources By 2022, the point source sector exceeded the strategy’s 25% interim total phosphorus reduction goal for 2025. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program has helped reduce phosphorus discharges by 6.2 million pounds, a 34% decline since 2011.
Urban stormwater sector In 2021-2022, an additional 14 urban stormwater best management practices were installed, which reduced total nitrogen by 4,192 pounds and total phosphorus by 1,033 pounds.
Even with these successful implementation efforts, nutrient levels in Illinois waterways continued to increase in 2021 and 2022 compared to baseline measurements. As a result, more streamlined efforts are needed across communities to achieve strategy goals.
Fehr Graham can help with successful implementation of the nutrient reduction strategy
At Fehr Graham, we provide cost-effective solutions and technical guidance on NARP implementation to optimize nutrient reduction efforts. We also help communities secure funding for NLRS strategy implementation and stakeholder agreement. From helping your community comply with MS4 permit requirements to ensuring clean stormwater systems to effective nutrient removal in small wastewater treatment plants, we develop and execute comprehensive nutrient loss reduction strategies.
To learn about how Fehr Graham can help you with implementing nutrient reduction strategy, contact us or call 630.897.4651.
Karoline Qasem, PhD, PE, PMP, is a powerhouse in water resources engineering. She specializes in watershed, water quality, hydrodynamic modeling, regulatory permits, nutrient criteria development, watershed planning and stormwater management. Her groundbreaking research, particularly at the interface of environmental engineering and ecology, has revolutionized our understanding of urban streams. Reach her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |