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Brownfield Redevelopment Company in Illinois
Civil Engineering Company in Illinois
Environmental Compliance Company in Illinois
Environmental Permitting Company in Illinois
Environmental Training Company in Illinois
Land Development Company in Illinois
Land Surveying Company in Illinois
Landscape Architecture Design Company in Illinois
Municipal Engineering Company in Illinois
Transportation Engineering Company in Illinois
Water and Wastewater Engineering Company in Illinois
OSHA Compliance Company in Illinois
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Company Illinois
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Company Illinois
Parks and Recreation Engineering Company Illinois
Structural Engineering Company Illinois
Civil Engineering Company in Iowa
Land Development Company in Iowa
Land Surveying Company in Iowa
Landscape Architecture Design Company in Iowa
Municipal Engineering Company in Iowa
Transportation Engineering Company in Iowa
Water and Wastewater Engineering Company in Iowa
Brownfield Redevelopment Company Iowa
Environmental Compliance Company Iowa
Environmental Permitting Company Iowa
Environmental Training Company Iowa
OSHA Compliance Company Iowa
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Company Iowa
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Company Iowa
Parks and Recreation Engineering Company Iowa
Structural Engineering Company Iowa
Brownfield Redevelopment Company in Wisconsin
Civil Engineering Company in Wisconsin
Environmental Compliance Company in Wisconsin
Environmental Permitting Company in Wisconsin
Environmental Training Company in Wisconsin
Land Development Company in Wisconsin
Land Surveying Company in Wisconsin
Landscape Architecture Design Company in Wisconsin
Municipal Engineering Company in Wisconsin
Transportation Engineering Company in Wisconsin
Water and Wastewater Engineering Company in Wisconsin
OSHA Compliance Company in Wisconsin
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Company Wisconsin
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Company Wisconsin
Parks and Recreation Engineering Company Wisconsin
Structural Engineering Company Wisconsin
Meet our Managers
Mick Gronewold, PE, President/Chief Executive Officer
Ken Thompson, Principal
Adam Holder, PE, Principal
Joel Zirkle, PG, Principal
Noah Carmichael, PE, Principal
Matt Johnson, PE, SE, Principal
Nate Kass, PE, PLS, Principal
Jason Stoll, PE, Principal
Ryan Wicks, PE
Todd Shankland, CPA
Seth Gronewold, PE
Rob Culp
Kyle Saunders
Brandon Larson
Shawn Lueth, PE, LEED AP
East Peoria
Cedar Rapids
West Union
Contact Our Managers
Matt Schroeder
Ross Grimes
John Sawyer
Ryan Wicks
Matt Dahlem
Todd Shankland
Lori Willging
Pam Holstrum
Derek Noll
Anna Derocher
Chris Posey
Ramona Thompson
Chris DeSilva, PE
Derek Thompson, PE
Michael Hansen, PE
Dan Caceres, PE, SE
Dave Horton
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Midwest Engineering
AHA Insights and Solutions - Fehr Graham Webinar Series
Easyblog Entries
3 reasons to upgrade a wastewater treatment plant
4 key benefits of brownfield redevelopment
A community guide to managing urban watershed improvements
A look at key changes and implications with the EPA lead and copper rule 2024
A look at the Lead Service Line Replacement Program in Iowa communities
A quick guide to Iowa wastewater facilities design standards
A safer start: Grant helps Forreston improve school routes
A well-designed wastewater clarifier goes a long way toward meeting effluent standards
Addressing the impacts of aging wastewater infrastructure
American Rescue Plan provides public infrastructure improvement opportunities
Benefits of mapping flood risk
Beyond remediation: Using engineered barriers as sustainable solution
Beyond the last sweep: Enduring the challenges of residual contamination
Boost effluent quality and efficiency with aeration basins in wastewater treatment upgrades
Brownfield grants: Finding redevelopment funding
Budgeting for underground storage tank removal
Calculating wastewater treatment plant construction costs
CIPP sewer lining: A sustainable solution for wastewater infrastructure
Cleaning up PFAS in Wisconsin: What steps are needed
Common obstacles of urban brownfield redevelopment
Community Development Block Grant: A catalyst for positive change
Comparing wastewater aeration systems
Construction inspectors help build communities, relationships while managing expectations
Contaminated land remediation: Choosing a solution
Damar Hamlin cardiac arrest reinforces importance of First Aid training
Designing traffic control plans to keep growing communities safe
Determining the best digester for wastewater treatment plants
Did someone say boil order?
Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act means long-term improvements
Effective and efficient soil remediation techniques for site cleanup
Effective Nutrient Removal In Small Wastewater Treatment Plants
Electric bill, gas bill, water bill ... stormwater bill?
Emerging contaminants of concern in your Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Endangered species spark Illinois environmental requirements
Ensuring clean stormwater systems means ongoing compliance with MS4 permit requirements
Environmental due dilligence: An important first step in property transactions
Environmental remediation costs: Estimating and funding cleanup
EPA brownfield grant recipients to transform Illinois communities
EPA brownfield site eligibility: What you should know
Establishing a wastewater treatment plant maintenance schedule
Evaluating contaminated soil removal costs and considerations
Evaluating the dangers of lead service pipes to keep the community's drinking water safe
Evaluating total phosphorus in wastewater
Experts bring value during lead and asbestos inspection
Fehr Graham experts offer pre-OSHA inspections
Finding life after a brownfield site remediation
Finding the right wastewater solution for the City of South Beloit
Fish kills: Should you be worried?
Former casket factory overcomes challenges to create affordable housing in Fond du Lac
From eyesore to asset: Brownfield redevelopment reinvigorates communities
From rainfall to resilience: Engineers Without Borders ensures clean water for Amazonian Village
Funding management keeps infrastructure project on track
Funding solutions equal more infrastructure opportunities for communities
Get grant funding to Rebuild Illinois downtowns, commercial corridors
GIS has big role in watershed planning
GIS tools benefit projects, create valuable products
Greyfield development: Benefits and how to get started
How do brownfield tax credits work?
How does the aeration process in wastewater treatment work to consume organics?
How groundwater remediation ensures a safe and stable water supply
How the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy tackles nutrient pollution
How to correct effluent exceedances
How to ensure environmental due diligence
How to manage the wastewater phosphorus removal process to meet new EPA standards
How to meet the new Illinois PFAS standards
How to reduce municipal wastewater treatment plant energy consumption
Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy facilitates preservation of community waterways
Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy implementation drives success
Implementing soil contamination control measures in urban areas
Implications for lead and copper rule revisions
Importance of groundwater monitoring and remediation
Important considerations for water distribution system design
Investing in brownfield redevelopment revitalizes communities
Iowa and Wisconsin’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy improves water quality
Iowa drinking water standards for quality and health
Is your workplace safe? Hazard communication is critical when workers are exposed to chemical hazards
ITEP grants benefit Illinois municipalities
Keep your workers safe on aerial lifts
Key steps in a brownfield cleanup process
Lagoon wastewater treatment: how to upgrade systems for small communities
Lead service line replacement program for Illinois municipalities
Lead service line replacement programs to help Illinois communities
Learn how to become an OSLAD grant recipient
Limiting PFAS in wastewater and biosolids management for communities
Long term wastewater treatment planning is key to successful design, financing
Main steps in the secondary wastewater treatment process
Mastering pedestrian bridge design: A guide to safety, aesthetics and sustainability
Mastering railway design: Key insights into building sustainable railway systems
Mastering water quality parameters for wastewater ensures community health
Municipal wastewater treatment technologies: the primary stage
Navigating the Illinois stormwater compliance landscape: What your business needs to know
Need to replace your lead service lines? Illinois just announced a state grant program to help
New rules address radioactive water residuals, radon exposure in Illinois
Nutrients in our water - too much of a good thing and how to get rid of them
Orphaned wells projects get boost from federal grants
Overview of regulation and treatment of PFAS in wastewater
Pedestrian bridge design standards
PFAS in biosolids: Wisconsin’s cleanup strategy
PFAS remediation technologies for cleaning up soil and groundwater
PFAS removal from water: the evolution from groundwater to potable water
PFAS timeline on EPA actions
PFAS update 2024: Exploring legislative standards for environmental protection
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) costs, purpose and funding options for municipalities
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment costs for brownfield projects
Planning saves time, money and headaches
President Biden gets serious about water infrastructure
Preventative maintenance: What’s the big deal?
Proper soil remediation and disposal help mitigate contamination risks
Proposed EPA regulations to address PFAS in landfills
Radium in drinking water — health risks and treatment methods
Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant Program promotes transportation infrastructure
Reminder: Tier II chemical inventory reporting deadline approaching
Revitalizing brownfields: EPA announces $300 million in grants to clean up communities
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program requirements and how they’re shaping communities
Save time and money with a professional plan by a professional engineer
Secure funding for Illinois stormwater management
Securing funding for wastewater treatment plants in rural communities
Securing infrastructure grants for municipalities
Securing safety: Vapor intrusion mitigation system design ensures healthy environments
Setting sights on safety for all employees
Sludge disposal — challenges and solutions
Sludge management in wastewater treatment explained
Small town revitalization grants spur redevelopment
Smart soil management, early planning helps cut construction costs
Soil and groundwater remediation techniques for Midwest communities
Solutions after struggle: Spending American Rescue Plan Act funds
Tackling lead service line replacement in Illinois with industry leaders
The bioremediation of contaminated soil polluted with heavy metals
The crucial role of MS4 permitting requirements
The new definition of Recognized Environmental Condition
The reasons behind a water distribution system upgrade
The what and why of Industrial Hygiene
Traffic Impact Studies: Understanding when and why you need them
Transportation forecasting: preparing for growth
Transportation planning: stages and challenges
Underground storage tank remediation: cleaning up soil and groundwater
Understanding and meeting municipal wastewater effluent standards
Understanding heat-related illnesses and prevention tips
Understanding MS4 Permits: Managing stormwater systems and municipal obligations
Understanding municipal water filtration
Understanding nutrient removal in wastewater treatment
Understanding the biological wastewater treatment process
Understanding the impacts of secondary contaminants in drinking water
Unlock potential: Master the EPA brownfields grant guidelines for funding opportunities
Unlocking opportunities: Beautification grants for small towns help transform communities
Unlocking potential: How the redevelopment of brownfield sites revitalizes communities
Unlocking urban potential: U.S. government incentives spark development in former office spaces
Upgrading your wastewater treatment plant design to meet NFPA 820 compliance
Using a chlorination process in wastewater treatments reduces E. coli
Wastewater collection systems: evaluating and planning
Wastewater lift station types: a comparison
Water infrastructure overhaul a bargain in Ludlow
What is a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment?
What is a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment?
What is a typical wastewater treatment plant life expectancy?
What is the best method for wastewater treatment?
What steps are included in the tertiary wastewater treatment process?
What you need to know about the EPA’s new drinking water standards and PFAS
What you should know about lead service line replacement requirement updates
What's in your water - and wastewater?
When is an Environmental Site Assessment required?
Why retrofit your wastewater treatment system?
Wisconsin drinking water standards: Meeting local and EPA requirements
Wisconsin's leader in lead service line replacement for safer drinking water
Workers should understand hazardous materials guidelines
Your land acquisition due diligence checklist: A must-have for municipal leaders and developers
Wastewater Engineering
3 reasons to upgrade a wastewater treatment plant
A quick guide to Iowa wastewater facilities design standards
A well-designed wastewater clarifier goes a long way toward meeting effluent standards
Addressing the impacts of aging wastewater infrastructure
Boost effluent quality and efficiency with aeration basins in wastewater treatment upgrades
Calculating wastewater treatment plant construction costs
CIPP sewer lining: A sustainable solution for wastewater infrastructure
Comparing wastewater aeration systems
Determining the best digester for wastewater treatment plants
Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act means long-term improvements
Effective Nutrient Removal In Small Wastewater Treatment Plants
Establishing a wastewater treatment plant maintenance schedule
Evaluating total phosphorus in wastewater
Finding the right wastewater solution for the City of South Beloit
Funding solutions equal more infrastructure opportunities for communities
How does the aeration process in wastewater treatment work to consume organics?
How to correct effluent exceedances
How to manage the wastewater phosphorus removal process to meet new EPA standards
How to reduce municipal wastewater treatment plant energy consumption
Lagoon wastewater treatment: how to upgrade systems for small communities
Limiting PFAS in wastewater and biosolids management for communities
Long term wastewater treatment planning is key to successful design, financing
Main steps in the secondary wastewater treatment process
Mastering water quality parameters for wastewater ensures community health
Municipal wastewater treatment technologies: the primary stage
Nutrients in our water - too much of a good thing and how to get rid of them
Overview of regulation and treatment of PFAS in wastewater
PFAS timeline on EPA actions
Planning saves time, money and headaches
Preventative maintenance: What’s the big deal?
Radium in drinking water — health risks and treatment methods
Securing funding for wastewater treatment plants in rural communities
Sludge disposal — challenges and solutions
Sludge management in wastewater treatment explained
Understanding and meeting municipal wastewater effluent standards
Understanding nutrient removal in wastewater treatment
Understanding the biological wastewater treatment process
Upgrading your wastewater treatment plant design to meet NFPA 820 compliance
Using a chlorination process in wastewater treatments reduces E. coli
Wastewater collection systems: evaluating and planning
Wastewater lift station types: a comparison
What is a typical wastewater treatment plant life expectancy?
What is the best method for wastewater treatment?
What steps are included in the tertiary wastewater treatment process?
What's in your water - and wastewater?
Why retrofit your wastewater treatment system?
Water Engineering
A look at key changes and implications with the EPA lead and copper rule 2024
A look at the Lead Service Line Replacement Program in Iowa communities
Benefits of mapping flood risk
Cleaning up PFAS in Wisconsin: What steps are needed
Did someone say boil order?
Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act means long-term improvements
Electric bill, gas bill, water bill ... stormwater bill?
Evaluating the dangers of lead service pipes to keep the community's drinking water safe
From rainfall to resilience: Engineers Without Borders ensures clean water for Amazonian Village
GIS has big role in watershed planning
Implications for lead and copper rule revisions
Important considerations for water distribution system design
Iowa drinking water standards for quality and health
Lead service line replacement program for Illinois municipalities
Lead service line replacement programs to help Illinois communities
Need to replace your lead service lines? Illinois just announced a state grant program to help
Orphaned wells projects get boost from federal grants
Overview of regulation and treatment of PFAS in wastewater
PFAS removal from water: the evolution from groundwater to potable water
PFAS update 2024: Exploring legislative standards for environmental protection
President Biden gets serious about water infrastructure
Proposed EPA regulations to address PFAS in landfills
Tackling lead service line replacement in Illinois with industry leaders
The reasons behind a water distribution system upgrade
Understanding MS4 Permits: Managing stormwater systems and municipal obligations
Understanding municipal water filtration
Water infrastructure overhaul a bargain in Ludlow
What you should know about lead service line replacement requirement updates
What's in your water - and wastewater?
Wisconsin drinking water standards: Meeting local and EPA requirements
Wisconsin's leader in lead service line replacement for safer drinking water
Municipal Engineering
Addressing the impacts of aging wastewater infrastructure
American Rescue Plan provides public infrastructure improvement opportunities
Construction inspectors help build communities, relationships while managing expectations
Funding management keeps infrastructure project on track
Funding solutions equal more infrastructure opportunities for communities
Get grant funding to Rebuild Illinois downtowns, commercial corridors
GIS tools benefit projects, create valuable products
How to reduce municipal wastewater treatment plant energy consumption
Implementing soil contamination control measures in urban areas
Mastering railway design: Key insights into building sustainable railway systems
Save time and money with a professional plan by a professional engineer
Solutions after struggle: Spending American Rescue Plan Act funds
Transportation forecasting: preparing for growth
Understanding and meeting municipal wastewater effluent standards
Understanding MS4 Permits: Managing stormwater systems and municipal obligations
Your land acquisition due diligence checklist: A must-have for municipal leaders and developers
Funding Solutions
A safer start: Grant helps Forreston improve school routes
American Rescue Plan provides public infrastructure improvement opportunities
Community Development Block Grant: A catalyst for positive change
EPA brownfield grant recipients to transform Illinois communities
Fehr Graham helps secure grant funding for local parks
Fehr Graham helps three clients secure funding for lead service line replacement
Funding management keeps infrastructure project on track
Funding solutions equal more infrastructure opportunities for communities
Get grant funding to Rebuild Illinois downtowns, commercial corridors
Implications for lead and copper rule revisions
ITEP grants benefit Illinois municipalities
Lagoon wastewater treatment: how to upgrade systems for small communities
Learn how to become an OSLAD grant recipient
Long term wastewater treatment planning is key to successful design, financing
Need to replace your lead service lines? Illinois just announced a state grant program to help
Orphaned wells projects get boost from federal grants
Revitalizing brownfields: EPA announces $300 million in grants to clean up communities
Securing funding for wastewater treatment plants in rural communities
Securing infrastructure grants for municipalities
Small town revitalization grants spur redevelopment
Solutions after struggle: Spending American Rescue Plan Act funds
Storm Water Solutions highlights Postville, Iowa, project
Understanding the impacts of secondary contaminants in drinking water
Unlock potential: Master the EPA brownfields grant guidelines for funding opportunities
Unlocking opportunities: Beautification grants for small towns help transform communities
Unlocking urban potential: U.S. government incentives spark development in former office spaces
Upgrading your wastewater treatment plant design to meet NFPA 820 compliance
Wisconsin's leader in lead service line replacement for safer drinking water
Transportation Engineering
A safer start: Grant helps Forreston improve school routes
Designing traffic control plans to keep growing communities safe
Funding management keeps infrastructure project on track
Mastering pedestrian bridge design: A guide to safety, aesthetics and sustainability
Pedestrian bridge design standards
Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant Program promotes transportation infrastructure
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program requirements and how they’re shaping communities
Traffic Impact Studies: Understanding when and why you need them
Transportation forecasting: preparing for growth
Transportation planning: stages and challenges
Assessment and Brownfield Redevelopment
4 key benefits of brownfield redevelopment
Brownfield grants: Finding redevelopment funding
Budgeting for underground storage tank removal
Common obstacles of urban brownfield redevelopment
Contaminated land remediation: Choosing a solution
Effective and efficient soil remediation techniques for site cleanup
Emerging contaminants of concern in your Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Environmental due dilligence: An important first step in property transactions
Environmental remediation costs: Estimating and funding cleanup
EPA brownfield grant recipients to transform Illinois communities
Evaluating contaminated soil removal costs and considerations
Finding life after a brownfield site remediation
Former casket factory overcomes challenges to create affordable housing in Fond du Lac
From eyesore to asset: Brownfield redevelopment reinvigorates communities
Greyfield development: Benefits and how to get started
How do brownfield tax credits work?
How to ensure environmental due diligence
How to meet the new Illinois PFAS standards
Importance of groundwater monitoring and remediation
Investing in brownfield redevelopment revitalizes communities
Key steps in a brownfield cleanup process
PFAS remediation technologies for cleaning up soil and groundwater
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) costs, purpose and funding options for municipalities
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment costs for brownfield projects
Proper soil remediation and disposal help mitigate contamination risks
Revitalizing brownfields: EPA announces $300 million in grants to clean up communities
Smart soil management, early planning helps cut construction costs
Soil and groundwater remediation techniques for Midwest communities
The new definition of Recognized Environmental Condition
Underground storage tank remediation: cleaning up soil and groundwater
Understanding the impacts of secondary contaminants in drinking water
Unlock potential: Master the EPA brownfields grant guidelines for funding opportunities
Unlocking potential: How the redevelopment of brownfield sites revitalizes communities
Unlocking urban potential: U.S. government incentives spark development in former office spaces
What is a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment?
What is a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment?
When is an Environmental Site Assessment required?
Environmental Health and Safety
Beyond remediation: Using engineered barriers as sustainable solution
Beyond the last sweep: Enduring the challenges of residual contamination
Effective and efficient soil remediation techniques for site cleanup
Endangered species spark Illinois environmental requirements
Ensuring clean stormwater systems means ongoing compliance with MS4 permit requirements
Evaluating the dangers of lead service pipes to keep the community's drinking water safe
Experts bring value during lead and asbestos inspection
Fehr Graham experts offer pre-OSHA inspections
Finding life after a brownfield site remediation
Former casket factory overcomes challenges to create affordable housing in Fond du Lac
Is your workplace safe? Hazard communication is critical when workers are exposed to chemical hazards
Navigating the Illinois stormwater compliance landscape: What your business needs to know
New rules address radioactive water residuals, radon exposure in Illinois
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment costs for brownfield projects
Reminder: Tier II chemical inventory reporting deadline approaching
Securing safety: Vapor intrusion mitigation system design ensures healthy environments
Setting sights on safety for all employees
The crucial role of MS4 permitting requirements
The what and why of Industrial Hygiene
Understanding heat-related illnesses and prevention tips
What you need to know about the EPA’s new drinking water standards and PFAS
Safety Compliance and Regulatory Training
Damar Hamlin cardiac arrest reinforces importance of First Aid training
Endangered species spark Illinois environmental requirements
Fehr Graham experts offer pre-OSHA inspections
Is your workplace safe? Hazard communication is critical when workers are exposed to chemical hazards
Keep your workers safe on aerial lifts
Navigating the Illinois stormwater compliance landscape: What your business needs to know
New rules address radioactive water residuals, radon exposure in Illinois
Reminder: Tier II chemical inventory reporting deadline approaching
The what and why of Industrial Hygiene
Understanding heat-related illnesses and prevention tips
Understanding MS4 Permits: Managing stormwater systems and municipal obligations
Workers should understand hazardous materials guidelines
Beyond remediation: Using engineered barriers as sustainable solution
Beyond the last sweep: Enduring the challenges of residual contamination
Effective and efficient soil remediation techniques for site cleanup
Endangered species spark Illinois environmental requirements
Ensuring clean stormwater systems means ongoing compliance with MS4 permit requirements
Finding life after a brownfield site remediation
Fish kills: Should you be worried?
Former casket factory overcomes challenges to create affordable housing in Fond du Lac
How groundwater remediation ensures a safe and stable water supply
How to ensure environmental due diligence
How to meet the new Illinois PFAS standards
Importance of groundwater monitoring and remediation
Key steps in a brownfield cleanup process
Navigating the Illinois stormwater compliance landscape: What your business needs to know
Orphaned wells projects get boost from federal grants
PFAS remediation technologies for cleaning up soil and groundwater
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) costs, purpose and funding options for municipalities
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment costs for brownfield projects
Proper soil remediation and disposal help mitigate contamination risks
Securing safety: Vapor intrusion mitigation system design ensures healthy environments
Soil and groundwater remediation techniques for Midwest communities
The crucial role of MS4 permitting requirements
Underground storage tank remediation: cleaning up soil and groundwater
Workers should understand hazardous materials guidelines
Lead Service Line Replacement
A look at key changes and implications with the EPA lead and copper rule 2024
A look at the Lead Service Line Replacement Program in Iowa communities
Evaluating the dangers of lead service pipes to keep the community's drinking water safe
Implications for lead and copper rule revisions
Lead service line replacement program for Illinois municipalities
Lead service line replacement programs to help Illinois communities
Need to replace your lead service lines? Illinois just announced a state grant program to help
Tackling lead service line replacement in Illinois with industry leaders
What you should know about lead service line replacement requirement updates
Wisconsin drinking water standards: Meeting local and EPA requirements
Wisconsin's leader in lead service line replacement for safer drinking water
A community guide to managing urban watershed improvements
Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy facilitates preservation of community waterways
Secure funding for Illinois stormwater management
Brownfield redevelopment
EPA brownfield site eligibility: What you should know
'He is Fehr Graham': Ken Thompson retires after three decades
$10.8 million in improvements planned for Catlin, Illinois, Wastewater Treatment Plant
$16.4 million grant will modernize, improve Rockford’s downtown
$60M in wastewater upgrades underway in Freeport, Illinois
A lifetime of revitalization: Joel Zirkle looks to next chapter
Aaron Thomson hired as Senior Engineering Technician
Accounting Clerk Scott Leiser hired
ACEC-Iowa recognizes Coggon, Fehr Graham for Wastewater Treatment Plant
Adam Recker promoted to Land Surveyor
Addison Wastewater Treatment Plant featured in Clarifier
Alex Stykel promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Amber Neal hired as Project Assistant
Americold breaks ground on addition in Rochelle, Illinois
Amy Cabalka promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Amy Ries promoted to Project Administrator
Amy Trimble promoted to Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager
Amy Trimble promoted to Project EHS Scientist
Andrew Bryant promoted to Surveyor
Andrew Kieser promoted to Senior Project Manager
Andy Rainwater hired as Senior Project Manager
Andy Reeter promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Anna Derocher becomes Certified Professional Services Marketer
Austin Schramm promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Barber-Colman project one step closer to redevelopment
Ben Moyse hired as EHS Specialist
Beth Alvis hired as Project Assistant
Bob Frey promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Bob Frey receives professional certification in computer-aided design
Brandon Boggs promoted to Project Designer
Bridget Smith promoted to Accounting Manager
Bridget Smith promoted to Accounting Supervisor
Bridgette Stocks promoted to Senior Community Development Specialist
Brock Sutton promoted to Staff Engineer
Brock Sutton promoted, passes Professional Engineer exam
Brownfield grant next step to fund Pillsbury plant demolition
Buckley receives Illinois Environmental Protection Agency grant
Buckley secures $5 million grant to build a sanitary sewer system
Building Buckley: Small town secures funding to overcome unsewered status
Business booms on Route 20 in Dubuque
Byron awarded $2 million for water system improvements
Cali Lensmire hired as a Hydrogeologist
Carolle Duncan promoted to Project Administrator
Casey Murray promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Catelyn Remus hired as EHS Specialist
CEO Mick Gronewold shares job market insights with The Associated Press
Chad Osterbur promoted to Project Manager
Cheyanne Hoffman joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Cheyanne Hoffman promoted to Staff Engineer
Chief Financial Officer Todd Shankland hired
Chris DeSilva promoted to Branch Manager
Chris DeSilva promoted to Chief Operating Officer
Chris Posey hired as EHS Project Manager
Chrysta Steinlage hired as Project Assistant
City of Peoria marks completion of Glen Avenue roadway project
City of Polo opens City Hall building
Cleaning up Boneyard Creek in Urbana, Illinois
Cody Buelt passes principles and practice of engineering exam
Cole Lewis promoted to EHS Scientist
Coleton Lewis promoted to Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager
Colton Johnson promoted to Staff Engineer
Community Savings builds bank in Manchester
Construction starts for Rockford’s Davis Park project
Construction starts on Villa Grove Water Treatment Plant
Construction to start on Wastewater Treatment Plant in Catlin, Illinois
Dale LeBaron Memorial Award presented to Adam Holder posthumously
Daniel Ludwig promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Darin Stykel promoted to Project Manager
Darin Stykel promoted to Project Manager – Client Operations
Dave Winnekins promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Denny Sims joins Fehr Graham as Resident Engineer
Derek Thompson promoted to Branch Manager
Derek Thompson promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Designer Jeff Jacobson hired
Deuchler joins Fehr Graham
Dillon Plamann earns Licensed Professional Geologist credentials
Dillon Plamann promoted to Environmental Project Manager
Dillon Plamann promoted to Project Hydrogeologist
Dixon receives grant for pedestrian bridge, park improvements
Dixon’s Viaduct Point pathway expansion advances with groundbreaking
Doug Fabian becomes Certified Safety Professional
Doug Fabian promoted to Senior EHS Scientist
Ebony Coleman certified Professional in Human Resources
Ebony Coleman earns Talent Acquisition Specialist certification
Ebony Coleman promoted to Talent Acquisition Program Lead
EHS Specialist Marie Dinwiddie featured on National Grain and Feed Association’s podcast
Elisabeth Rutter joins Sheboygan office
Elisabeth Rutter promoted to EHS Scientist
Emergency structural evaluation for fire damaged apartment building
Emily Massingill promoted to Senior Marketing Coordinator
End of an era: Pat Kelsey retires after decades of service
Engineer Allison Cole hired
Engineer Andrew Trocki hired
Engineer Brock Sutton hired
Engineer Cameron Johns hired
Engineer Garrett Haller hired
Engineer Jack Gamsky joins Fehr Graham
Engineer Katrina Santos hired
Engineer Kelsey Bird hired
Engineer Kody Kaiser hired
Engineer Nick La Rosa hired
Engineer Paige Pierce hired
Engineer Ryan Rembert hired
Engineer Safiah Elahi hired
Engineer Sam Ertl hired
Engineer Zach Sims hired
Engineering is everywhere
Engineering Technician Austin Grawe hired
Engineering Technician Austin Schramm hired
Engineering Technician J'Sondra Veracini hired
Engineering Technician Lee Foster hired
Engineering Technician Ron Beck hired
Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager Scott Perian hired
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Coleton Lewis hired
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Doug Fabian hired
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Jenna Williams hired
Environmental Protection Agency awards money to Rockford, Illinois, brownfield cleanup
Environmental Protection Agency starts cleanup at former scrapyard in Dixon, Illinois
Environmental Technician Gerald Reed hired
EPA issues 10-year mandate for lead service line replacement
Expanding in Rockford
Fehr Graham and Alta partner with the City of Freeport to enhance transportation safety
Fehr Graham announces leadership changes
Fehr Graham announces scholarship, marks 50 years in business
Fehr Graham announces strategic growth partnership with Trilon Group
Fehr Graham boosts Elburn’s water quality with Master Plan
Fehr Graham celebrates clients at Illinois Municipal League reception
Fehr Graham celebrates Earth Day at River Park in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Fehr Graham celebrates move to Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Fehr Graham client Moving Pillsbury Forward makes national news
Fehr Graham clients receive funds for brownfield cleanup
Fehr Graham clients receive funds for water infrastructure projects
Fehr Graham co-founder Allen Fehr remembered as fun, adventurous
Fehr Graham co-founder Joe Graham leaves behind legacy of laughter, innovation
Fehr Graham employees participate in Boneyard Creek Community Day cleanup
Fehr Graham featured in APWA Reporter
Fehr Graham featured in Roads & Bridges magazine
Fehr Graham featured in Roads & Bridges magazine
Fehr Graham featured in Water Innovations
Fehr Graham gets a nod in The News-Gazette for Employee Appreciation Day
Fehr Graham gets clients millions in brownfield cleanup grants
Fehr Graham grand opening a success in Freeport, Illinois
Fehr Graham hears input on Garfield Park amenities
Fehr Graham helps Centralia secure $883,702 grant for infrastructure improvements
Fehr Graham helps clients secure $3.5M in grants to improve communities
Fehr Graham helps clients secure funding for parks and recreation projects
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois grants to spur economy
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program grants
Fehr Graham helps clients secure lead service line inventory grants
Fehr Graham helps Davis Junction, Black Hawk Park District secure grants for park projects
Fehr Graham helps Du Quoin secure EPA funding for lead service line inventory
Fehr Graham helps Flora replace Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fehr Graham helps Freeport Park District secure grant for bike path
Fehr Graham helps Rockford secure fifth round of lead service line replacement funds
Fehr Graham helps secure grant for Madison Street reconstruction in downtown Rockford
Fehr Graham helps secure grant funding for local parks
Fehr Graham helps secure millions for Illinois brownfield cleanups to revitalize communities
Fehr Graham helps Sycamore secure $4 million to replace lead service lines
Fehr Graham helps three clients secure funding for lead service line replacement
Fehr Graham helps two clients secure federal transportation safety grants
Fehr Graham helps two park districts secure grant funding for recreational trails
Fehr Graham hires Naomi Mullen as a Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Alan Curtiss as Senior Project Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Ali Graczyk as a Staff Environmental Scientist
Fehr Graham hires Allison Morgan as an Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Barbeau as Wastewater Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Bryant as Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Holt as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Swanson as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Ashton Rutherford as Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Ashton Schramm as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Blake Lawson as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brady Carlisle as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Braiden Soltow as a Designer
Fehr Graham hires Brandon Larson as Financial Reporting and Analysis Manager
Fehr Graham hires Brandon LeFevre as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brandon Schroeder as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brent Simpson as a Designer
Fehr Graham hires Brian Keim as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brian Wells as a Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Cameron Riffle as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Chad Ryan as a Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Christie Ainge as a Senior Structural Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Colton Johnson as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Dave Peters as Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Dave Winnekins as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Donovan Wildman as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Eli Dertz as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Eric Adkins
Fehr Graham hires Ethan Hill as a Designer
Fehr Graham hires Ethan Kullerstrand as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Evan Lemberger as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Evan Wulfekuhle as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Gavin Conner as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Gerardo Villalobos as a Senior Resident Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Heidi Lundskow as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Jacob Nora as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Jake Piske as a Staff Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Jared Landt as an Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jarrett Dahl as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jason Dove as Lead Transportation Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Jeff Gee as Senior Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jenn Zillmer, CSP, as an Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Jennifer Hubbard as Marketing Coordinator
Fehr Graham hires Jim Anderson as Senior Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires John Juergens as Surveyor
Fehr Graham hires Jonny Franco as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jorge Bueno Arguello
Fehr Graham hires Josh Brown as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Judi Wardyn as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Karoline Qasem as Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Katy Kuecker as Staff Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Keegan Kaspar as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Kim Payne as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Kyle Erkonen as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Kyle Robbins as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Kyleen Bruckner as Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
Fehr Graham hires Lacy Lampe as a Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Lane To as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Levi Kopmann as Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Linnel Marie Ballesteros as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Logan McKee as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Lynn Smith as Environmental Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Margaret Trowbridge as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Mark Decker as Landscape Architect Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Mark Hackett as a Senior Recruiter
Fehr Graham hires Mary Cave as a Senior Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Matthew Van Gyseghem as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Meera Athiappan as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Megan Kaufmann as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Melissa Kupczyk as a Project Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Michael Miller as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Mo Abboud as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Naila Mahaveen as a Transportation Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Nathan Skarlupka as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Omar Benitez as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Raj Kumar as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Randy Beck
Fehr Graham hires Ray Newcomer as a Project Administrator
Fehr Graham hires Raylene Grose as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Rhiannon Burroughs as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Richard Harbaugh as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Sadie Swanson as an Accounting Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Sam Erickson as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Sam Flessner as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Sarah Sherman as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Scott Sanders as a Senior Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Sean Burst as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Seth McPeek as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Steve Smith as a Senior Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Titus Williamson as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Todd Bartels as Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Tom TeBeest as Senior Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Tommy Appel as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Trevor Larson, PE, PTOE as Senior Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Tyler Nelson as Senior Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Tyler Sassmann as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Will Thalacker as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Wyatt Schlabach as an Engineer
Fehr Graham is an Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firm again
Fehr Graham jumps 22 spots on Zweig Group’s Hot Firm List
Fehr Graham marks 50 years in business
Fehr Graham moves office to downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Fehr Graham named Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firm
Fehr Graham named to Zweig Group’s Hot Firm List
Fehr Graham named Zweig Group Hot Firm for third consecutive year
Fehr Graham offering COVID-19 surface testing service
Fehr Graham offers small firm feel with large firm capabilities
Fehr Graham office relocates
Fehr Graham opens office in Marion
Fehr Graham partners with SmithGroup to revamp Davis Park
Fehr Graham receives Iowa engineering excellence award
Fehr Graham recognized again as Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firm
Fehr Graham recognized as Engineering News-Record Midwest Top Design Firm
Fehr Graham recognized by Mercyhealth during Engineer Week 2018
Fehr Graham rehires Maanit Gopalraj as Senior Structural Engineer
Fehr Graham secures $2.8 million grant for Decatur Park District
Fehr Graham secures $600k in grant funding for Fox Valley Park District
Fehr Graham secures over $159K in grants for Freeport Park District’s snowmobile trails
Fehr Graham secures up to $4.8 million in funding for Buckley’s sanitary sewer system
Fehr Graham welcomes Billy Zuba as Vice President of Business Operations
Fehr Graham welcomes Kyle Saunders as Chief Strategy Officer
Fehr Graham welcomes Shawn Lueth as Cedar Rapids Branch Manager
Fehr Graham welcomes Steve Pritchett as Senior Structural Engineer
Fehr Graham works with Congressman Eric Sorensen to secure funding for Freeport and Lanark water infrastructure
Fehr Graham works with Rockford Promise to connect students with engineering careers
Fehr Graham's engineering shines in Ellis Golf Course Clubhouse design
Five Corner Road gets overpass in Monroe
Former Pillsbury plant closer to demolition
Freeport office move reflects growth
Freeport Park District opens remodeled mini golf course
Freeport Water Treatment Plant is online
Furquan Ul Haq earns Professional Transportation Operations Engineer Certification
Furst-McNess, Fehr Graham win Illinois engineering excellence award
George Weber promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Gerald Reed passes exam to become Public Water Supply Operator
Gov. JB Pritzker announces $29.7 million in grants for Illinois park projects
Grand opening of Fehr Graham’s Manchester office a success
Grand opening of Marion office a success
Grant to help Dubuque, Iowa, clean up brownfield sites
Hannah Insko hired as EHS Specialist
Helping with bridge inspections in Iroquois County
Helping with flood control project in Cedar Rapids
Hispanic Cheese Makers set the bar for sustainability in Kent, Illinois
Hydrogeologist Tony Guarjardo hired
Illinois communities to benefit from $106M in transportation enhancement grants
Illinois Society of Professional Engineers recognizes Mary Coombe Bloxdorf
Iowa clients, Fehr Graham recognized for engineering excellence
Iowa Gov. Kim Renolds awards grant to West Union
Iowa Governor visits West Union
J’Sondra Veracini promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Jake Kaiser promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
James Workman promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Jason Stoll joins ownership group
Jason Stoll named Rockford Branch Manager
Jean Pijan McKeever promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Jeff Jacobson promoted to Staff Designer
Jeff Jacobson: Finding balance at work, in life
Jeffrey Jacobson promoted to Project Designer
Jeffrey Jacobson promoted to Project Manager
Jenna Williams promoted to Environmental Health and Safety Scientist
Jessey Taylor promoted to Senior Accounting Analyst
Joe Stricker promoted to Resident Engineer
John Frerich retires after three decades
Jonny Franco promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Karoline Qasem earns Project Management Professional Certification
Kathy Kummer hired as Project Assistant
Katrina Santos promoted to Staff Engineer
Kendyl Hoss hired as a Hydrogeologist
Kent Henschen promoted to Landscape Architect Project Manager
Kevin Donley promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Kickapoo Trail named Project of the Year
Kirsten Kendell joins Fehr Graham as Human Resources Assistant
Kirsten Kendell promoted to Human Resources Generalist
Kody Kaiser promoted to Staff Engineer
Kristen Diehl promoted to Accounting Analyst
Lee Foster promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Lucas Elsbernd promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Luke Kelly joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Luke Ziegler joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Luke Ziegler promoted to Staff Engineer
Lyle TeKippe retires after five decades
Mack Llanas joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Mack Llanas promoted to Staff Engineer
Madelyn Seuser hired as a Hydrogeologist
Managing stormwater with permeable pavers
Manchester makes plans and measures success
Manchester students spend day on sites
Manchester, Iowa, staff touts Core Values, services in KMCH 94.7 ads
Marc Smith promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Marc Smith promoted to Surveyor
Marie Dinwiddie passes Associate Safety Professional exam
Marie Dinwiddie promoted to EHS Scientist
Marketing Coordinator Emily Massingill hired
Marketing Coordinator Haley Green hired
Marketing Manager Anna Derocher hired
Marlyn Ripalda hired as a Designer
Marlyn Ripalda promoted to Staff Designer
Marty Hillman promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Master Plan for Tecumseh Park in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, released
Matt Dahlem promoted to branch manager of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, office
Matt Dahlem re-elected to American Society of Civil Engineers Wisconsin Board
Matt Drabik promoted to Senior Biologist
Matt Schroeder named president of Federation of Environmental Technologists Northeast Wisconsin Chapter
Matt Smith promoted to CAD Manager
Matthew Johnson joins Fehr Graham Board of Directors
Matthew Johnson joins ownership group
Max Boes hired as a Hydrogeologist
McKennon Escatel promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Megan Hansen promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Melissa Kupczyk promoted to Project Manager
Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County breaks ground
Michael Hansen hired as Senior Project Manager
Michael Hansen promoted to Branch Manager
Midwest Engineering Associates officially becomes Fehr Graham
Midwest Engineering Associates joins Fehr Graham
Mike Rowe returns the favor to Rockford
Miranda Zuroske hired as EHS Specialist
Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant in The Clarifier
Morrison secures $1.27 million grant to enhance infrastructure
Muhanad Jawad promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Naren Patel becomes Project Management Professional
Naren Patel promoted to Project Manager
Naren Patel promoted to Senior Project Manager
Nate Kass joins ownership group
National Engineers Week 2018: Encourage young people to pursue engineering
National Engineers Week: Engineering the future
National Engineers Week: Inspire wonder in young people
National Engineers Week: Nudge a future engineer
National Surveyors Week: Meet Adam Recker, Professional Land Surveyor
Need surfaces tested for COVID-19? We can help
Network Technician Ryan O'Rourke hired
New wastewater treatment plant paves way for growth in Ottawa
News-Gazette interviews Matt Johnson for Beyond the Boardroom feature
Nick La Rosa promoted to Staff Engineer
Ottawa YMCA project awarded nearly $2M in Rebuild Illinois grant money
Owner Todd Weegens to retire
Paige Pierce becomes Professional Engineer
Paige Pierce promoted to Staff Engineer
Paul Ertmer promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Philip Simonton hired as a Hydrogeologist
Phoenix Consulting Engineers joins Fehr Graham
Pingree Grove awarded $3.5 million to improve public water supply
Plans for former Barber-Colman property unveiled
Plans to revive Millennium Fountain underway
Postville, Iowa, named 2021 Stormwater and Urban Watershed Partner of the Year
Principal Nate Kass featured in Storm Water Solutions magazine
Progress continues at South Beloit Wastewater Treatment Plant
Project Administrator Angie Riggle hired
Project Assistant Dawn Pontius hired
Project Assistant Heather Pozarycki hired
Project Assistant Kristen Diehl hired
Project Assistant Tina Dettman hired
Project Manager Ken Beach retires
Ramona Thompson hired as Human Resources Leader
Randy Beck promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Rebuilding Rockford program key to improving, maintaining roads
Reduce blight with Iowa Department of Nautrual Resources grant
Relocating utilities ahead of major transportation project
Replacing lead water pipes in Rockford, Illinois
Resources for COVID-19 information
Respirators and COVID-19 in the workpalce
Roads & Bridges magazine features real-time, auto surveying technique
Rockford Chamber catches up with People You Should Know alumni Mick Gronewold, Joel Zirkle
Rockford Chamber names Mick Gronewold to 2018 People You Should Know class
Rockford highlighted for lead service line replacement projects
Rockford Public Library celebrates opening of new main branch
Rockford Sharefest cleans up community
Rockford to receive $500,000 Tourism Attractions and Festivals Grant
Rockford Water, Fehr Graham featured in APWA Reporter magazine
Rockford, South Beloit awarded Environmental Protection Agency grants for cleanup efforts
Rockford's Millennium Fountain opens for safe splashing
Ron Beck promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Roscoe chooses innovative construction process
Ross Grimes earns professional geologist license
Ross Grimes named to Rockford Chamber's People You Should Know list
Ross Grimes promoted to Branch Manager of Rockford, Illinois, office
Ross Grimes to lead Fehr Graham’s Assessment and Remediation services
Ryan Townsley promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Ryan Wicks accepts Inspiring Iowan award
Ryan Wicks joins ownership group
Sam Ertl promoted to Staff Engineer
Sam Ertl promoted, passes Professional Engineer exam
Sam Flessner promoted to Staff Engineer
Sarah McKinney hired as Project Assistant
Scott Leiser promoted to Senior Accounting Analyst
Second round of lead service line funding announced
Senior Accounting Clerk Jessey Taylor hired
Senior Project Engineer Walter Koch hired
Seth Gronewold joins ownership group
Seth Gronewold promoted to Project Manager
Seth McPeek promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Small Illinois municipalities can now apply for American Rescue Plan Act money to offset COVID-19 expenses
Solving a water problem in Shannon, Illinois
Speakers to address stormwater management at municipal conference
Storm Water Solutions highlights Postville, Iowa, project
Street construction begins in South Beloit, Illinois
Survey Technician Casey Murray hired
Survey work featured in xyHt magazine
Surveyors do what it takes to work safely
Talent Acquisition Coordinator Ebony Coleman hired
Tanya Brown hired as a Community Development Specialist
Terry Remhof hired as Senior Engineering Technician
Terry Remhof promoted to Resident Engineer
The Views of Marion's green designs make it first WELL-certified senior living center in U.S.
Tina Dettman earns Certificate for the Executive Assistant
Tina Dettman promoted to Project Administrator
Todd Shankland becomes Fehr Graham owner
Tony Guajardo promoted to Project Hydrogeologist
Tony Guajardo promoted to Staff Hydrogeologist
Transforming history: Pillsbury Plant gets new life
Tyler Jahn promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Universal waste regulation update affects aerosol can
Village of Ludlow, Illinois, gets $10K grant for Water Treatment Plant
Warren prioritizes water, wastewater projects
Waukon improves wastewater treatment plant
We are here for you during COVID-19
We can help with your disinfection needs
Wes Immel promoted to Information Technology Support Technician
Wisconsin 11 construction restarts
Wisconsin 11 project eyes mid-August completion
Yanel Jones promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Zach Sims promoted to Staff Engineer
Zack Hoppenjan promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Wastewater Engineering
$10.8 million in improvements planned for Catlin, Illinois, Wastewater Treatment Plant
$60M in wastewater upgrades underway in Freeport, Illinois
ACEC-Iowa recognizes Coggon, Fehr Graham for Wastewater Treatment Plant
Addison Wastewater Treatment Plant featured in Clarifier
Buckley receives Illinois Environmental Protection Agency grant
Buckley secures $5 million grant to build a sanitary sewer system
Building Buckley: Small town secures funding to overcome unsewered status
Coggon Gets Updated Wastewater System
Construction to start on Wastewater Treatment Plant in Catlin, Illinois
Del Monte makes wastewater recycling a priority
Fehr Graham helps Centralia secure $883,702 grant for infrastructure improvements
Fehr Graham helps Flora replace Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fehr Graham secures up to $4.8 million in funding for Buckley’s sanitary sewer system
Hispanic Cheese Makers set the bar for sustainability in Kent, Illinois
Iowa Gov. Kim Renolds awards grant to West Union
Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant in The Clarifier
Morrison secures $1.27 million grant to enhance infrastructure
New wastewater treatment plant paves way for growth in Ottawa
Progress continues at South Beloit Wastewater Treatment Plant
Updating a wastewater system in New Albin, Iowa
Warren prioritizes water, wastewater projects
Waukon improves wastewater treatment plant
Stormwater Engineering
Fehr Graham featured in APWA Reporter
Iowa Governor visits West Union
Postville, Iowa, named 2021 Stormwater and Urban Watershed Partner of the Year
Principal Nate Kass featured in Storm Water Solutions magazine
Storm Water Solutions highlights Postville, Iowa, project
Land Surveying
National Surveyors Week: Choose a career in land surveying
National Surveyors Week: Meet Adam Recker, Professional Land Surveyor
Surveyors do what it takes to work safely
Water Engineering
Byron awarded $2 million for water system improvements
Construction starts on Villa Grove Water Treatment Plant
Engineer Cameron Johns works on water projects, more in hometown of Villa Grove, Illinois
EPA issues 10-year mandate for lead service line replacement
Fehr Graham featured in APWA Reporter
Fehr Graham featured in Water Innovations
Fehr Graham helps Centralia secure $883,702 grant for infrastructure improvements
Fehr Graham helps Du Quoin secure EPA funding for lead service line inventory
Fehr Graham helps Rockford secure fifth round of lead service line replacement funds
Fehr Graham helps Sycamore secure $4 million to replace lead service lines
Freeport Water Treatment Plant is online
Iowa Governor visits West Union
Pingree Grove awarded $3.5 million to improve public water supply
Principal Nate Kass featured in Storm Water Solutions magazine
Relocating utilities ahead of major transportation project
Replacing lead water pipes in Rockford, Illinois
Rockford highlighted for lead service line replacement projects
Rockford's Millennium Fountain opens for safe splashing
Second round of lead service line funding announced
Solving a water problem in Shannon, Illinois
Taking engineering to new heights atop Winnebago, Illinois, Water Tower
Village of Ludlow, Illinois, gets $10K grant for Water Treatment Plant
Warren prioritizes water, wastewater projects
Well 45 improvements underway in Rockford, Illinois
Parks and Recreation
Construction starts for Rockford’s Davis Park project
Dixon receives grant for pedestrian bridge, park improvements
Dixon’s Viaduct Point pathway expansion advances with groundbreaking
Fehr Graham hears input on Garfield Park amenities
Fehr Graham helps clients secure funding for parks and recreation projects
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program grants
Fehr Graham helps Davis Junction, Black Hawk Park District secure grants for park projects
Fehr Graham helps Freeport Park District secure grant for bike path
Fehr Graham helps two park districts secure grant funding for recreational trails
Kickapoo Trail named Project of the Year
Master Plan for Tecumseh Park in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, released
Plans to revive Millennium Fountain underway
Rockford to receive $500,000 Tourism Attractions and Festivals Grant
West Branch, Iowa, gives OK to build athletic complex
Environmental Health and Safety Training
Join us for MSHA Part 46 training
National Safety Month: Meet Scott Perian
Land Development
Brownfield grant next step to fund Pillsbury plant demolition
Business booms on Route 20 in Dubuque
Community Savings builds bank in Manchester
Fehr Graham helps clients secure funding for parks and recreation projects
Fehr Graham's engineering shines in Ellis Golf Course Clubhouse design
Freeport Park District opens remodeled mini golf course
Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County breaks ground
Transportation Engineering
$16.4 million grant will modernize, improve Rockford’s downtown
Fehr Graham and Alta partner with the City of Freeport to enhance transportation safety
Fehr Graham featured in Roads & Bridges magazine
Fehr Graham helps two clients secure federal transportation safety grants
Fehr Graham's engineering shines in Ellis Golf Course Clubhouse design
Five Corner Road gets overpass in Monroe
Kickapoo Trail named Project of the Year
Roscoe chooses innovative construction process
Street construction begins in South Beloit, Illinois
Urbana, Illinois: History surfaces in Ellis Drive project
Wisconsin 11 construction restarts
Wisconsin 11 project eyes mid-August completion
Funding Solutions
$16.4 million grant will modernize, improve Rockford’s downtown
Buckley receives Illinois Environmental Protection Agency grant
Buckley secures $5 million grant to build a sanitary sewer system
Building Buckley: Small town secures funding to overcome unsewered status
Byron awarded $2 million for water system improvements
Construction starts for Rockford’s Davis Park project
Dixon receives grant for pedestrian bridge, park improvements
Dixon’s Viaduct Point pathway expansion advances with groundbreaking
Fehr Graham client Moving Pillsbury Forward makes national news
Fehr Graham clients receive funds for brownfield cleanup
Fehr Graham clients receive funds for water infrastructure projects
Fehr Graham gets clients millions in brownfield cleanup grants
Fehr Graham helps Centralia secure $883,702 grant for infrastructure improvements
Fehr Graham helps clients secure $3.5M in grants to improve communities
Fehr Graham helps clients secure funding for parks and recreation projects
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois grants to spur economy
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program grants
Fehr Graham helps clients secure lead service line inventory grants
Fehr Graham helps Davis Junction, Black Hawk Park District secure grants for park projects
Fehr Graham helps Du Quoin secure EPA funding for lead service line inventory
Fehr Graham helps Freeport Park District secure grant for bike path
Fehr Graham helps Rockford secure fifth round of lead service line replacement funds
Fehr Graham helps secure grant for Madison Street reconstruction in downtown Rockford
Fehr Graham helps secure grant funding for local parks
Fehr Graham helps secure millions for Illinois brownfield cleanups to revitalize communities
Fehr Graham helps Sycamore secure $4 million to replace lead service lines
Fehr Graham helps three clients secure funding for lead service line replacement
Fehr Graham helps two clients secure federal transportation safety grants
Fehr Graham helps two park districts secure grant funding for recreational trails
Fehr Graham secures $2.8 million grant for Decatur Park District
Fehr Graham secures $600k in grant funding for Fox Valley Park District
Fehr Graham secures over $159K in grants for Freeport Park District’s snowmobile trails
Fehr Graham secures up to $4.8 million in funding for Buckley’s sanitary sewer system
Fehr Graham works with Congressman Eric Sorensen to secure funding for Freeport and Lanark water infrastructure
Former Pillsbury plant closer to demolition
Illinois communities to benefit from $106M in transportation enhancement grants
Iowa Gov. Kim Renolds awards grant to West Union
Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County breaks ground
Morrison secures $1.27 million grant to enhance infrastructure
Ottawa YMCA project awarded nearly $2M in Rebuild Illinois grant money
Pingree Grove awarded $3.5 million to improve public water supply
Rockford to receive $500,000 Tourism Attractions and Festivals Grant
Second round of lead service line funding announced
Small Illinois municipalities can now apply for American Rescue Plan Act money to offset COVID-19 expenses
Storm Water Solutions highlights Postville, Iowa, project
Transforming history: Pillsbury Plant gets new life
Village of Ludlow, Illinois, gets $10K grant for Water Treatment Plant
Warren prioritizes water, wastewater projects
Waukon improves wastewater treatment plant
Assessment and Brownfield Redevelopment
Barber-Colman project one step closer to redevelopment
Brownfield grant next step to fund Pillsbury plant demolition
Dixon’s Viaduct Point pathway expansion advances with groundbreaking
Environmental Protection Agency awards money to Rockford, Illinois, brownfield cleanup
Environmental Protection Agency starts cleanup at former scrapyard in Dixon, Illinois
Fehr Graham client Moving Pillsbury Forward makes national news
Fehr Graham clients receive funds for brownfield cleanup
Fehr Graham gets clients millions in brownfield cleanup grants
Fehr Graham helps secure millions for Illinois brownfield cleanups to revitalize communities
Former Pillsbury plant closer to demolition
Furst-McNess, Fehr Graham win Illinois engineering excellence award
Grant to help Dubuque, Iowa, clean up brownfield sites
Ottawa YMCA project awarded nearly $2M in Rebuild Illinois grant money
Plans for former Barber-Colman property unveiled
Reduce blight with Iowa Department of Nautrual Resources grant
Rockford, South Beloit awarded Environmental Protection Agency grants for cleanup efforts
Transforming history: Pillsbury Plant gets new life
Employee News
'He is Fehr Graham': Ken Thompson retires after three decades
A lifetime of revitalization: Joel Zirkle looks to next chapter
Aaron Thomson hired as Senior Engineering Technician
Accounting Clerk Scott Leiser hired
Adam Recker promoted to Land Surveyor
Alex Stykel promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Amber Neal hired as Project Assistant
Amy Cabalka promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Amy Ries promoted to Project Administrator
Amy Trimble promoted to Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager
Amy Trimble promoted to Project EHS Scientist
Andrew Bryant promoted to Surveyor
Andrew Kieser promoted to Senior Project Manager
Andy Rainwater hired as Senior Project Manager
Andy Reeter promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Anna Derocher becomes Certified Professional Services Marketer
Austin Schramm promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Ben Moyse hired as EHS Specialist
Beth Alvis hired as Project Assistant
Bob Frey promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Bob Frey receives professional certification in computer-aided design
Brandon Boggs promoted to Project Designer
Bridget Smith promoted to Accounting Manager
Bridget Smith promoted to Accounting Supervisor
Bridgette Stocks promoted to Senior Community Development Specialist
Brock Sutton promoted to Staff Engineer
Brock Sutton promoted, passes Professional Engineer exam
Cali Lensmire hired as a Hydrogeologist
Carolle Duncan promoted to Project Administrator
Casey Murray promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Catelyn Remus hired as EHS Specialist
Chad Osterbur promoted to Project Manager
Cheyanne Hoffman joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Cheyanne Hoffman promoted to Staff Engineer
Chief Financial Officer Todd Shankland hired
Chris DeSilva promoted to Branch Manager
Chris DeSilva promoted to Chief Operating Officer
Chris Posey hired as EHS Project Manager
Chrysta Steinlage hired as Project Assistant
Cody Buelt passes principles and practice of engineering exam
Cole Lewis promoted to EHS Scientist
Coleton Lewis promoted to Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager
Colton Johnson promoted to Staff Engineer
Dale LeBaron Memorial Award presented to Adam Holder posthumously
Daniel Ludwig promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Darin Stykel promoted to Project Manager
Darin Stykel promoted to Project Manager – Client Operations
Dave Winnekins promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Denny Sims joins Fehr Graham as Resident Engineer
Derek Thompson promoted to Branch Manager
Derek Thompson promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Designer Jeff Jacobson hired
Dillon Plamann earns Licensed Professional Geologist credentials
Dillon Plamann promoted to Environmental Project Manager
Dillon Plamann promoted to Project Hydrogeologist
Doug Fabian becomes Certified Safety Professional
Doug Fabian promoted to Senior EHS Scientist
Ebony Coleman certified Professional in Human Resources
Ebony Coleman earns Talent Acquisition Specialist certification
Ebony Coleman promoted to Talent Acquisition Program Lead
EHS Specialist Marie Dinwiddie featured on National Grain and Feed Association’s podcast
Elisabeth Rutter joins Sheboygan office
Elisabeth Rutter promoted to EHS Scientist
Emily Massingill promoted to Senior Marketing Coordinator
End of an era: Pat Kelsey retires after decades of service
Engineer Allison Cole hired
Engineer Andrew Trocki hired
Engineer Brock Sutton hired
Engineer Cameron Johns hired
Engineer Garrett Haller hired
Engineer Jack Gamsky joins Fehr Graham
Engineer Katrina Santos hired
Engineer Kelsey Bird hired
Engineer Kody Kaiser hired
Engineer Nick La Rosa hired
Engineer Paige Pierce hired
Engineer Ryan Rembert hired
Engineer Safiah Elahi hired
Engineer Sam Ertl hired
Engineer Zach Sims hired
Engineering Technician Austin Grawe hired
Engineering Technician Austin Schramm hired
Engineering Technician J'Sondra Veracini hired
Engineering Technician Lee Foster hired
Engineering Technician Ron Beck hired
Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager Scott Perian hired
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Coleton Lewis hired
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Doug Fabian hired
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Jenna Williams hired
Environmental Technician Gerald Reed hired
Eric Adkins promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham gets a nod in The News-Gazette for Employee Appreciation Day
Fehr Graham hires Naomi Mullen as a Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Alan Curtiss as Senior Project Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Ali Graczyk as a Staff Environmental Scientist
Fehr Graham hires Allison Morgan as an Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Barbeau as Wastewater Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Bryant as Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Holt as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Andrew Swanson as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Ashton Rutherford as Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Ashton Schramm as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Blake Lawson as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brady Carlisle as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Braiden Soltow as a Designer
Fehr Graham hires Brandon Larson as Financial Reporting and Analysis Manager
Fehr Graham hires Brandon LeFevre as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brandon Schroeder as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brent Simpson as a Designer
Fehr Graham hires Brian Keim as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Brian Wells as a Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Cameron Riffle as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Chad Ryan as a Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Christie Ainge as a Senior Structural Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Colton Johnson as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Dave Peters as Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Dave Winnekins as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Donovan Wildman as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Eli Dertz as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Eric Adkins
Fehr Graham hires Ethan Hill as a Designer
Fehr Graham hires Ethan Kullerstrand as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Evan Lemberger as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Evan Wulfekuhle as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Gavin Conner as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Gerardo Villalobos as a Senior Resident Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Heidi Lundskow as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Jacob Nora as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Jake Piske as a Staff Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Jared Landt as an Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jarrett Dahl as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jason Dove as Lead Transportation Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Jeff Gee as Senior Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jenn Zillmer, CSP, as an Environmental Health and Safety Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Jennifer Hubbard as Marketing Coordinator
Fehr Graham hires Jim Anderson as Senior Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires John Juergens as Surveyor
Fehr Graham hires Jonny Franco as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Jorge Bueno Arguello
Fehr Graham hires Josh Brown as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Judi Wardyn as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Karoline Qasem as Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Katy Kuecker as Staff Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Keegan Kaspar as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Kim Payne as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Kyle Erkonen as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Kyle Robbins as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Kyleen Bruckner as Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
Fehr Graham hires Lacy Lampe as a Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Lane To as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Levi Kopmann as Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Linnel Marie Ballesteros as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Logan McKee as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Lynn Smith as Environmental Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Margaret Trowbridge as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Mark Decker as Landscape Architect Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Mark Hackett as a Senior Recruiter
Fehr Graham hires Mary Cave as a Senior Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Matthew Van Gyseghem as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Meera Athiappan as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Megan Kaufmann as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Melissa Kupczyk as a Project Hydrogeologist
Fehr Graham hires Michael Miller as an Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Mo Abboud as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Naila Mahaveen as a Transportation Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Nathan Skarlupka as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Omar Benitez as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Raj Kumar as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Randy Beck
Fehr Graham hires Ray Newcomer as a Project Administrator
Fehr Graham hires Raylene Grose as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Rhiannon Burroughs as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Richard Harbaugh as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Sadie Swanson as an Accounting Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Sam Erickson as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Sam Flessner as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Sarah Sherman as a Project Assistant
Fehr Graham hires Scott Sanders as a Senior Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Sean Burst as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Seth McPeek as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Steve Smith as a Senior Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Titus Williamson as Survey Technician
Fehr Graham hires Todd Bartels as Associate Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Tom TeBeest as Senior Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Tommy Appel as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Trevor Larson, PE, PTOE as Senior Project Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Tyler Nelson as Senior Project Manager
Fehr Graham hires Tyler Sassmann as Engineering Technician
Fehr Graham hires Will Thalacker as an Engineer
Fehr Graham hires Wyatt Schlabach as an Engineer
Fehr Graham rehires Maanit Gopalraj as Senior Structural Engineer
Fehr Graham welcomes Billy Zuba as Vice President of Business Operations
Fehr Graham welcomes Kyle Saunders as Chief Strategy Officer
Fehr Graham welcomes Shawn Lueth as Cedar Rapids Branch Manager
Fehr Graham welcomes Steve Pritchett as Senior Structural Engineer
Furquan Ul Haq earns Professional Transportation Operations Engineer Certification
George Weber promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Gerald Reed passes exam to become Public Water Supply Operator
Grand opening of Fehr Graham’s Manchester office a success
Hannah Insko hired as EHS Specialist
Hydrogeologist Tony Guarjardo hired
Illinois Society of Professional Engineers recognizes Mary Coombe Bloxdorf
J’Sondra Veracini promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Jake Kaiser promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
James Workman promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Jason Stoll joins ownership group
Jason Stoll named Rockford Branch Manager
Jean Pijan McKeever promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Jeff Jacobson promoted to Staff Designer
Jeffrey Jacobson promoted to Project Designer
Jeffrey Jacobson promoted to Project Manager
Jenna Williams promoted to Environmental Health and Safety Scientist
Jessey Taylor promoted to Senior Accounting Analyst
Joe Stricker promoted to Resident Engineer
John Frerich retires after three decades
Jonny Franco promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Karoline Qasem earns Project Management Professional Certification
Kathy Kummer hired as Project Assistant
Katrina Santos promoted to Staff Engineer
Kendyl Hoss hired as a Hydrogeologist
Kent Henschen promoted to Landscape Architect Project Manager
Kevin Donley promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Kirsten Kendell joins Fehr Graham as Human Resources Assistant
Kirsten Kendell promoted to Human Resources Generalist
Kody Kaiser promoted to Staff Engineer
Kristen Diehl promoted to Accounting Analyst
Lee Foster promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Lucas Elsbernd promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Luke Kelly joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Luke Ziegler joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Luke Ziegler promoted to Staff Engineer
Lyle TeKippe retires after five decades
Mack Llanas joins Fehr Graham as an Engineer
Mack Llanas promoted to Staff Engineer
Madelyn Seuser hired as a Hydrogeologist
Marc Smith promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Marc Smith promoted to Surveyor
Marie Dinwiddie passes Associate Safety Professional exam
Marie Dinwiddie promoted to EHS Scientist
Marketing Coordinator Emily Massingill hired
Marketing Coordinator Haley Green hired
Marketing Manager Anna Derocher hired
Marlyn Ripalda hired as a Designer
Marlyn Ripalda promoted to Staff Designer
Marty Hillman promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Matt Dahlem promoted to branch manager of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, office
Matt Dahlem re-elected to American Society of Civil Engineers Wisconsin Board
Matt Drabik promoted to Senior Biologist
Matt Schroeder named president of Federation of Environmental Technologists Northeast Wisconsin Chapter
Matt Smith promoted to CAD Manager
Matthew Johnson joins Fehr Graham Board of Directors
Matthew Johnson joins ownership group
Max Boes hired as a Hydrogeologist
McKennon Escatel promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Megan Hansen promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Melissa Kupczyk promoted to Project Manager
Michael Hansen hired as Senior Project Manager
Michael Hansen promoted to Branch Manager
Miranda Zuroske hired as EHS Specialist
Muhanad Jawad promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Naren Patel becomes Project Management Professional
Naren Patel promoted to Project Manager
Naren Patel promoted to Senior Project Manager
Nate Kass joins ownership group
Network Technician Ryan O'Rourke hired
Nick La Rosa promoted to Staff Engineer
Owner Todd Weegens to retire
Paige Pierce becomes Professional Engineer
Paige Pierce promoted to Staff Engineer
Paul Ertmer promoted to Senior Project Engineer
Philip Simonton hired as a Hydrogeologist
Project Administrator Angie Riggle hired
Project Assistant Dawn Pontius hired
Project Assistant Heather Pozarycki hired
Project Assistant Kristen Diehl hired
Project Assistant Tina Dettman hired
Project Manager Ken Beach retires
Ramona Thompson hired as Human Resources Leader
Randy Beck promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Rockford Chamber catches up with People You Should Know alumni Mick Gronewold, Joel Zirkle
Rockford Chamber names Mick Gronewold to 2018 People You Should Know class
Ron Beck promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Ross Grimes earns professional geologist license
Ross Grimes named to Rockford Chamber's People You Should Know list
Ross Grimes promoted to Branch Manager of Rockford, Illinois, office
Ross Grimes to lead Fehr Graham’s Assessment and Remediation services
Ryan Townsley promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Ryan Wicks accepts Inspiring Iowan award
Ryan Wicks joins ownership group
Sam Ertl promoted to Staff Engineer
Sam Ertl promoted, passes Professional Engineer exam
Sam Flessner promoted to Staff Engineer
Sarah McKinney hired as Project Assistant
Scott Leiser promoted to Senior Accounting Analyst
Senior Accounting Clerk Jessey Taylor hired
Senior Project Engineer Walter Koch hired
Seth Gronewold joins ownership group
Seth Gronewold promoted to Project Manager
Seth McPeek promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Survey Technician Casey Murray hired
Talent Acquisition Coordinator Ebony Coleman hired
Tanya Brown hired as a Community Development Specialist
Terry Remhof hired as Senior Engineering Technician
Terry Remhof promoted to Resident Engineer
Tina Dettman earns Certificate for the Executive Assistant
Tina Dettman promoted to Project Administrator
Todd Shankland becomes Fehr Graham owner
Tony Guajardo promoted to Project Hydrogeologist
Tony Guajardo promoted to Staff Hydrogeologist
Tyler Jahn promoted to Associate Engineering Technician
Wes Immel promoted to Information Technology Support Technician
Yanel Jones promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
Zach Sims promoted to Staff Engineer
Zack Hoppenjan promoted to Senior Engineering Technician
General News
ACEC-Iowa recognizes Coggon, Fehr Graham for Wastewater Treatment Plant
Americold breaks ground on addition in Rochelle, Illinois
Barber-Colman project one step closer to redevelopment
Brownfield grant next step to fund Pillsbury plant demolition
Buckley secures $5 million grant to build a sanitary sewer system
Building Buckley: Small town secures funding to overcome unsewered status
CEO Mick Gronewold shares job market insights with The Associated Press
City of Peoria marks completion of Glen Avenue roadway project
City of Polo opens City Hall building
Cleaning up Boneyard Creek in Urbana, Illinois
Dale LeBaron Memorial Award presented to Adam Holder posthumously
Deuchler becomes Fehr Graham
Deuchler joins Fehr Graham
Dixon receives grant for pedestrian bridge, park improvements
Dixon’s Viaduct Point pathway expansion advances with groundbreaking
Engineer Cameron Johns works on water projects, more in hometown of Villa Grove, Illinois
Engineering is everywhere
Environmental Protection Agency awards money to Rockford, Illinois, brownfield cleanup
Environmental Protection Agency starts cleanup at former scrapyard in Dixon, Illinois
Fehr Graham and Alta partner with the City of Freeport to enhance transportation safety
Fehr Graham announces leadership changes
Fehr Graham announces scholarship, marks 50 years in business
Fehr Graham announces strategic growth partnership with Trilon Group
Fehr Graham boosts Elburn’s water quality with Master Plan
Fehr Graham celebrates clients at Illinois Municipal League reception
Fehr Graham celebrates Earth Day at River Park in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Fehr Graham celebrates move to Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Fehr Graham client Moving Pillsbury Forward makes national news
Fehr Graham clients receive funds for brownfield cleanup
Fehr Graham co-founder Allen Fehr remembered as fun, adventurous
Fehr Graham co-founder Joe Graham leaves behind legacy of laughter, innovation
Fehr Graham employees participate in Boneyard Creek Community Day cleanup
Fehr Graham featured in Roads & Bridges magazine
Fehr Graham featured in Roads & Bridges magazine
Fehr Graham featured in Water Innovations
Fehr Graham gets clients millions in brownfield cleanup grants
Fehr Graham grand opening a success in Freeport, Illinois
Fehr Graham hears input on Garfield Park amenities
Fehr Graham helps clients secure $3.5M in grants to improve communities
Fehr Graham helps clients secure funding for parks and recreation projects
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois grants to spur economy
Fehr Graham helps clients secure Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program grants
Fehr Graham helps Davis Junction, Black Hawk Park District secure grants for park projects
Fehr Graham helps Du Quoin secure EPA funding for lead service line inventory
Fehr Graham helps Flora replace Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fehr Graham helps Rockford secure fifth round of lead service line replacement funds
Fehr Graham helps Sycamore secure $4 million to replace lead service lines
Fehr Graham helps two clients secure federal transportation safety grants
Fehr Graham is an Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firm again
Fehr Graham jumps 22 spots on Zweig Group’s Hot Firm List
Fehr Graham marks 50 years in business
Fehr Graham moves office to downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Fehr Graham named Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firm
Fehr Graham named to Zweig Group’s Hot Firm List
Fehr Graham named Zweig Group Hot Firm for third consecutive year
Fehr Graham offering COVID-19 surface testing service
Fehr Graham offers small firm feel with large firm capabilities
Fehr Graham office relocates
Fehr Graham opens office in Marion
Fehr Graham partners with SmithGroup to revamp Davis Park
Fehr Graham receives Iowa engineering excellence award
Fehr Graham recognized again as Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firm
Fehr Graham recognized as Engineering News-Record Midwest Top Design Firm
Fehr Graham recognized by Mercyhealth during Engineer Week 2018
Fehr Graham welcomes Kyle Saunders as Chief Strategy Officer
Fehr Graham works with Rockford Promise to connect students with engineering careers
Former Pillsbury plant closer to demolition
Freeport office move reflects growth
Freeport Park District opens remodeled mini golf course
Freeport Water Treatment Plant is online
Furst-McNess, Fehr Graham win Illinois engineering excellence award
Gov. JB Pritzker announces $29.7 million in grants for Illinois park projects
Grand opening of Fehr Graham’s Manchester office a success
Grand opening of Marion office a success
Grant to help Dubuque, Iowa, clean up brownfield sites
Hispanic Cheese Makers set the bar for sustainability in Kent, Illinois
Iowa clients, Fehr Graham recognized for engineering excellence
Jeff Jacobson: Finding balance at work, in life
Join us for MSHA Part 46 training
Manchester students spend day on sites
Manchester, Iowa, staff touts Core Values, services in KMCH 94.7 ads
Master Plan for Tecumseh Park in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, released
Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County breaks ground
Midwest Engineering Associates officially becomes Fehr Graham
Midwest Engineering Associates joins Fehr Graham
Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant in The Clarifier
National Engineers Week 2018: Encourage young people to pursue engineering
National Engineers Week: Engineering the future
National Engineers Week: Engineers are pioneers of progress
National Engineers Week: Inspire wonder in young people
National Engineers Week: Meet Andy Reeter
National Engineers Week: Meet Paige Pierce
National Engineers Week: Meet Sarah Beam
National Engineers Week: Nudge a future engineer
National Safety Month: Meet Scott Perian
National Surveyors Week: Meet Adam Recker, Professional Land Surveyor
Need surfaces tested for COVID-19? We can help
News-Gazette interviews Matt Johnson for Beyond the Boardroom feature
OSHA 300 forms crucial for workplace safety
Phoenix Consulting Engineers joins Fehr Graham
Plans to revive Millennium Fountain underway
Principal Nate Kass featured in Storm Water Solutions magazine
Rebuilding Rockford program key to improving, maintaining roads
Replacing lead water pipes in Rockford, Illinois
Resources for COVID-19 information
Respirators and COVID-19 in the workpalce
Roads & Bridges magazine features real-time, auto surveying technique
Rockford Chamber catches up with People You Should Know alumni Mick Gronewold, Joel Zirkle
Rockford Public Library celebrates opening of new main branch
Rockford Sharefest cleans up community
Rockford to receive $500,000 Tourism Attractions and Festivals Grant
Rockford Water, Fehr Graham featured in APWA Reporter magazine
Rockford, South Beloit awarded Environmental Protection Agency grants for cleanup efforts
Rockford's Millennium Fountain opens for safe splashing
Ryan Wicks accepts Inspiring Iowan award
Storm Water Solutions highlights Postville, Iowa, project
Street construction begins in South Beloit, Illinois
Survey work featured in xyHt magazine
The Views of Marion's green designs make it first WELL-certified senior living center in U.S.
Urbana, Illinois: History surfaces in Ellis Drive project
Warren prioritizes water, wastewater projects
We are here for you during COVID-19
We can help with your disinfection needs
West Branch, Iowa, gives OK to build athletic complex
Wisconsin 11 construction restarts
Wisconsin 11 project eyes mid-August completion
Landscape Architecture
Freeport Park District opens remodeled mini golf course
Plans to revive Millennium Fountain underway
Rockford's Millennium Fountain opens for safe splashing
The Views of Marion's green designs make it first WELL-certified senior living center in U.S.
West Branch, Iowa, gives OK to build athletic complex
Structural Engineering - Buildings
Emergency services improved in Villa Grove
Emergency structural evaluation for fire damaged apartment building
Environmental Compliance
Annual emission reports due May 1
Barber-Colman project one step closer to redevelopment
Brownfield grant next step to fund Pillsbury plant demolition
Fehr Graham featured in APWA Reporter
Fehr Graham secures up to $4.8 million in funding for Buckley’s sanitary sewer system
Miranda Zuroske hired as EHS Specialist
Universal waste regulation update affects aerosol can
Workers should understand hazardous materials guidelines
Safety Compliance
Join us for MSHA Part 46 training
National Safety Month: Meet Scott Perian
OSHA 300 forms crucial for workplace safety
Workers should understand hazardous materials guidelines
Lead Service Line Replacement
EPA issues 10-year mandate for lead service line replacement
Fehr Graham helps clients secure lead service line inventory grants
Fehr Graham helps Du Quoin secure EPA funding for lead service line inventory
Fehr Graham helps Rockford secure fifth round of lead service line replacement funds
Fehr Graham helps Sycamore secure $4 million to replace lead service lines
Rockford highlighted for lead service line replacement projects
Second round of lead service line funding announced
Our Solutions
Auto surveying method used on Savanna-Sabula Bridge reconstruction project
Barber-Colman site remediation spurs redevelopment possibilities
Better technology, improved water quality focus for South Beloit Wastewater Treatment Plant
Brandon Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
Century-old bridge replaced for stability, structure
City addresses lead service lines with state funding
City Engineer: Byron, Illinois
City Engineer: Center Point, Iowa
City Engineer: DeKalb, Illinois
City Engineer: South Beloit, Illinois
Community Savings Bank building project helps spur redevelopment in Manchester
Connecting multiuse paths in South Beloit and Beloit
County Highway I bridge replaced
Danfoss strengthens confined space program
Decreasing noise in downtown Moline
Demolition, remediation make way for new Rockford Public Library
Disposal system helps Village of Royal businesses grow
Downtown street scape improvements in Loves Park
Engineering, landscape architecture designs transform parking lot
Environmental compliance outsourcing helps Mondelez Global
Environmental compliance services help Titan Tire since 1990
Environmental Site Assessment leads to Dixon Iron & Metal cleanup
Environmental site investigation completed before Morgan Street Bridge replaced
Excavating spill cleanup in Oshkosh
Former gas station property revitalized
Forreston lead service replacement
Forreston water main provides reliable service to citizens
From Amerock factory to Embassy Suites: Redevelopment a boon in downtown Rockford
Funding helps city replace lead service lines for free
Gas utility benefits from land surveying services
Grants help Galena Territory Association improve trails, water quality
Highway 13 Improvements in Manchester offer smooth ride to downtown
Hybrid solution works for new Coggon Wastewater Treatment Plant
Improvements to Harrison Avenue accommodate urban growth
Increasing Catlin Wastewater Treatment Plant capacity focus of improvement project
Innovation, flexibility goals for new pump station, force main at University of Illinois
International Prep Academy surveyed for important upgrades
Introducing an amenity in Waterloo
Iowa Community Development Block Grant Projects
Jane Addams Memorial Tollway widening, reconstruction reduces congestion
Javon Bea Hospital-Riverside in Rockford, Illinois
Krape Park improvements focus on environment, community, safety
Lagoons upgraded to help Winthrop Wastewater Treatment Plant meet ammonia, E. coli limits
Land development at Carle at the Fields in Champaign, Illinois
Land development at Lincoln's Challenge Academy in Rantoul, Illinois
Lead service line replacement sparks template for future projects
Manufacturing building reimagined into UW Health Sports Factory after environmental cleanup
Masonry investigation at Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
Master Plan revitalizes Oakdale Nature Preserve
Mercy Way and Lyford Road corridor paves way for new Rockford hospital
New Morrison Wastewater Treatment Plant includes headworks, lagoon, ultraviolet disinfection
Pingree Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements
Pool renovations improve safety, aesthetics
President Abraham Lincoln's receiving vault restored
Promoting inclusivity at Cubby Park
Replacing an 80-year-old bridge
Riverside Boulevard Water Tower upgrades critical to City water system
Rochelle Main Street widened to improve truck route safety
Rockford removes underground storage tanks to prep land for redevelopment
Rockford secures millions in funding for ongoing lead service line project
Rosecrance healing garden and patio brings serenity
Safe drinking water goal with Shannon Water Treatment System upgrades
Solving water infiltration issues at Hanley Administration Building
Spring Lake Marina and Aquatic Park receives renovations
State loan helps pay for well improvements in Durand, Illinois
Stormwater drainage management meets Garnavillo goals
Stormwater management part of SwedishAmerican Riverwest Clinic site design
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans help Sheboygan County
System updates improve water quality in Villa Grove
The Views at Marion is first WELL-certified assisted living complex in United States
Traffic signal improvements make two Monroe intersections safer
Underground storage tank removal helps property sell
Upgrades to Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant welcomed
Village chooses phased water upgrades for aging system
Village Engineer: Pingree Grove, Illinois
Wastewater treatment plant improvements in Mahomet
Water Wonderland makes splash with safe, beautiful splash pad
West Union downtown streetscape becomes model for permeable paver use
Whitewater Park improvements attract tourists
Woodward Rock Cut campus features environmental benefits
Wastewater Engineering
Better technology, improved water quality focus for South Beloit Wastewater Treatment Plant
Brandon Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
Byron, Illinois, Wastewater Treatment Plant upgraded
Hybrid solution works for new Coggon Wastewater Treatment Plant
Increasing Catlin Wastewater Treatment Plant capacity focus of improvement project
Innovation, flexibility goals for new pump station, force main at University of Illinois
Lagoons upgraded to help Winthrop Wastewater Treatment Plant meet ammonia, E. coli limits
New Morrison Wastewater Treatment Plant includes headworks, lagoon, ultraviolet disinfection
Pingree Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements
Upgrades to Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant welcomed
Wastewater treatment plant improvements in Mahomet
Water Engineering
City addresses lead service lines with state funding
Forreston lead service replacement
Forreston water main provides reliable service to citizens
Funding helps city replace lead service lines for free
Lead service line replacement sparks template for future projects
Riverside Boulevard Water Tower upgrades critical to City water system
Rockford secures millions in funding for ongoing lead service line project
Safe drinking water goal with Shannon Water Treatment System upgrades
State loan helps pay for well improvements in Durand, Illinois
System updates improve water quality in Villa Grove
Village chooses phased water upgrades for aging system
Municipal Engineering
Pool renovations improve safety, aesthetics
Traffic signal improvements make two Monroe intersections safer
Funding Solutions
Brandon Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
Grants help Galena Territory Association improve trails, water quality
Iowa Community Development Block Grant Projects
Krape Park improvements focus on environment, community, safety
Pingree Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements
Safe drinking water goal with Shannon Water Treatment System upgrades
Stormwater drainage management meets Garnavillo goals
Wastewater treatment plant improvements in Mahomet
Transportation Engineering
Connecting multiuse paths in South Beloit and Beloit
Downtown street scape improvements in Loves Park
Highway 13 Improvements in Manchester offer smooth ride to downtown
Improvements to Harrison Avenue accommodate urban growth
Jane Addams Memorial Tollway widening, reconstruction reduces congestion
Mercy Way and Lyford Road corridor paves way for new Rockford hospital
Rochelle Main Street widened to improve truck route safety
Traffic signal improvements make two Monroe intersections safer
West Union downtown streetscape becomes model for permeable paver use
Structural Engineering - Bridges
Auto surveying method used on Savanna-Sabula Bridge reconstruction project
Century-old bridge replaced for stability, structure
County Highway I bridge replaced
Environmental site investigation completed before Morgan Street Bridge replaced
Jane Addams Memorial Tollway widening, reconstruction reduces congestion
Replacing an 80-year-old bridge
Structural Engineering - Buildings
Masonry investigation at Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
President Abraham Lincoln's receiving vault restored
Solving water infiltration issues at Hanley Administration Building
Parks and Recreation
Pool renovations improve safety, aesthetics
Promoting inclusivity at Cubby Park
Spring Lake Marina and Aquatic Park receives renovations
Water Wonderland makes splash with safe, beautiful splash pad
Whitewater Park improvements attract tourists
Landscape Architecture
Demolition, remediation make way for new Rockford Public Library
Downtown street scape improvements in Loves Park
Krape Park improvements focus on environment, community, safety
Master Plan revitalizes Oakdale Nature Preserve
Rosecrance healing garden and patio brings serenity
Spring Lake Marina and Aquatic Park receives renovations
Water Wonderland makes splash with safe, beautiful splash pad
Woodward Rock Cut campus features environmental benefits
Land Development
Community Savings Bank building project helps spur redevelopment in Manchester
Engineering, landscape architecture designs transform parking lot
Javon Bea Hospital-Riverside in Rockford, Illinois
Land development at Carle at the Fields in Champaign, Illinois
Land development at Lincoln's Challenge Academy in Rantoul, Illinois
Stormwater management part of SwedishAmerican Riverwest Clinic site design
The Views at Marion is first WELL-certified assisted living complex in United States
Assessment and Brownfield Redevelopment
Barber-Colman site remediation spurs redevelopment possibilities
Environmental Site Assessment leads to Dixon Iron & Metal cleanup
Environmental site investigation completed before Morgan Street Bridge replaced
Excavating spill cleanup in Oshkosh
Former gas station property revitalized
From Amerock factory to Embassy Suites: Redevelopment a boon in downtown Rockford
Manufacturing building reimagined into UW Health Sports Factory after environmental cleanup
Rockford removes underground storage tanks to prep land for redevelopment
Underground storage tank removal helps property sell
Safety Compliance
Danfoss strengthens confined space program
Municipal Engineering
City Engineer: Byron, Illinois
City Engineer: Center Point, Iowa
City Engineer: DeKalb, Illinois
City Engineer: South Beloit, Illinois
Village Engineer: Pingree Grove, Illinois
Land Surveying
Auto surveying method used on Savanna-Sabula Bridge reconstruction project
Disposal system helps Village of Royal businesses grow
Gas utility benefits from land surveying services
International Prep Academy surveyed for important upgrades
Introducing an amenity in Waterloo
Environmental Compliance
Decreasing noise in downtown Moline
Environmental compliance outsourcing helps Mondelez Global
Environmental compliance services help Titan Tire since 1990
Excavating spill cleanup in Oshkosh
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans help Sheboygan County
Lead Service Lines
City addresses lead service lines with state funding
Forreston lead service replacement
Funding helps city replace lead service lines for free
Lead service line replacement sparks template for future projects
Rockford secures millions in funding for ongoing lead service line project
Lead Service Line Replacement
City addresses lead service lines with state funding
Forreston lead service replacement
Funding helps city replace lead service lines for free
Lead service line replacement sparks template for future projects
Rockford secures millions in funding for ongoing lead service line project