Across the U.S., about 2.2 million miles of underground pipes deliver safe drinking water to communities. However, the aging national infrastructure is unable to keep pace with the demands of growing populations in urban and rural areas. Amid such growth, municipal leaders face ongoing challenges to comply with enforceable Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water and secure funds for operating and maintaining public water systems.
Professionals at Fehr Graham are committed to helping communities design state-of-the-art, cost-effective water systems to treat, store and distribute water. Whether you need to update aging water mains, replace lead service lines or upgrade the local water system, Fehr Graham can help.
Fehr Graham’s solutions
Our team of engineers, technicians and licensed operators have provided water engineering solutions to communities across the Midwest and beyond since 1973. We strive to help municipalities:
- Improve local water systems’ resiliency against changing climate conditions with innovative and smart water technologies.
- Improve daily operational efficiency for water systems to reduce water losses.
- Adhere to Environmental Protection Agency-established drinking water standards and reduce health-based violations.
We offer custom solutions for all of your drinking water infrastructure needs.

Benefits from our services
From developing engineering designs and securing funding to overseeing construction, we help municipal leaders navigate each step.
Our water engineering services help ensure all your community residents have access to safe and reliable drinking water. Fehr Graham is your one-stop solution for everything related to water engineering. Contact us to learn more about our water engineering services or give us a call at 217.352.7688.