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Traffic signal improvements make two Monroe intersections safer


February 2018 to May 2018



The traffic signals in Monroe, Wisconsin, were outdated. The detection equipment was sending incorrect signals, and the steel poles were rusted along State Highway 69 at the intersections of 21st Street and Sixth Street. The City of Monroe hired Fehr Graham to design signal upgrades that made crossing the intersections safer for pedestrians and traffic flow more efficient.

The project included cabinet, controllers, detectors, cables and steel pole replacements. The signals also needed to be upgraded. The lights are interconnected, so they react based on the Vehicle Detection Systems (VDS) and other lights. Our team replaced the loop VDS system with a microwave VDS system to offer the intersections more detection options and allow them to adapt to traffic patterns. This system allows the lights to change based on the amount of traffic at specific times of day. During peak traffic times, priority is given to the heaviest traffic flows, while other times of the day, the system optimizes traffic flow based on the VDS.

Our team also updated the pedestrian signals with countdown timers and new buttons. The updates have made crossing much safer. Our team will be providing construction inspection work. Construction is expected to be completed in fall 2018 in time for the Monroe's famed Cheese Days festival.

» Completed site survey.
» Designed traffic signal upgrades.
» Assisted with bid letting.
» Secured grant funding.
» Construction engineering and inspection services.