ITEP grants benefit Illinois municipalities

The ITEP grant helps upgrade transportation infrastructure across the state.

Transportation infrastructure doesn't come cheap. Preserving historical trails, updating bike paths and carving out walkways require significant resources. Luckily, municipalities can secure grant funding through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP).

Maintaining safe systems of transportation is one way to safeguard your community, and one way to make that happen is to finance your projects with an ITEP grant. This article highlights key information about ITEP grants and explains why you should partner with an expert to apply for them.

  ITEP grants benefit Illinois communities

ITEP grants are awarded on a competitive cycle that runs every other year. The ITEP 2024 grant provides $140 million in state and federal funding for alternate modes of transportation. The following table highlights what you need to know before applying.

Key information about ITEP grants

Application deadline

The ITEP application cycle begins Aug. 1, 2024, and ends Sept. 30, 2024. 

Eligible sponsor

All ITEP projects must have an eligible project sponsor to receive transportation enhancement funds. The sponsor is responsible and accountable for project implementation and guarantees matching funds to carry out the project. Eligible project sponsors are:

  1. Local governments. 

  2. Transit agencies. 

  3. Regional transportation authorities. 

  4. Schools, school districts and local education agencies. 

  5. Natural resource or public land agencies. 

  6. Nonprofit entities. 

  7. Metropolitan Planning Organization that represents an area with a population of 200,000 or fewer. 

  8. Tribal governments. 

  9. A state, at the request of an eligible entity. 

  10. Any other local or regional government entity. 

Eligible projects

Projects must relate to surface transportation and enhance the transportation system by addressing a transportation need or providing a transportation linkage, use or benefit. The following projects are eligible for ITEP grants: 

  1. Pedestrian/ bicycle facilities and sidewalks. 

  2. Streetscapes. 

  3. Conversion of abandoned railroad corridors to trails. 

  4. Vegetation management in transportation rights of way. 

  5. Preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities. 

  6. Stormwater management and control, water pollution prevention or abatement associated with highway construction or highway runoff. 

  7. Archaeological activities to address impacts from implementation of a transportation project. 

  8. Construction of turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas. 

  9. Activities to reduce vehicle-caused wildlife deaths. 

Road work and parking lot improvements that support cars, trucks and buses are not eligible for ITEP funds. 

Funding cap per application

The maximum ITEP award per project is $3 million. Any unused funds must be returned to the program and cannot be used for work or for another project. 

Because ITEP is a reimbursable grant program, a project sponsor must front initial engineering and construction costs. This money is reimbursed after submitting documentation that verifies expenses. From ideation to construction, the full project must be completed within 10 years of receiving the grant or funds will be rescinded.

Collaborating with a grant management expert can give you an edge when navigating the daunting steps of grant acquisition.

Partner with Fehr Graham to secure ITEP grants 

At Fehr Graham, our team has years of experience securing funding solutions for communities in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. We work closely with regulatory agencies to customize competitive applications and secure maximum funding. In 2021, Fehr Graham helped four communities secure more than $4 million in ITEP grants for biking and walking paths, streetscape beautification and other projects. In 2023, we helped three clients secure funds totaling more than $5 million through ITEP.

Our expertise and knowledge help us determine your community's eligibility for ITEP grants, prepare a thorough application, ensure successful outcomes and meet post-award requirements. We are the one-stop solution to secure grants to upgrade your community's transportation system.

To learn about how Fehr Graham can help you secure ITEP grants, contact us or give us a call at 815.235.7643.

Portrait of Bridgette Stocks Fehr Graham Senior Community Development Specialist Bridgette Stocks serves as the principal contact for all funding-related programs, navigating complicated rules and regulations to secure maximum dollars. She is a vital partner when it comes to strengthening communities to provide resilient and critical infrastructure. Her success speaks for itself – she has secured more than $200 million for Fehr Graham clients. She can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..